(The New) Quantum Touching
A Cinematic Model of
Instantaneous Action-at-a-Distance

April 2003

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Index   |   Abstract   |   Introduction   |   Action-at-a-Distance (Sections 1-6)   |   Special Relativity: The Cinematic Deduction   |   Philosophical Background (Sections 1 to 4)   |   Implications for Cosmology   |   Relevant Publications   |   Curriculum Vitae

Relevant Publications

by N. V. (Viv) Pope

  1. 1986 'Abstract: Is Relativity Quantized?' Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 242.

  2. 1987 'A New Approach to Special Relativity' (with A.D. Osborne). International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 191-198

  3. 1987 (April) 'The Overdue Revolution'. MENSA, pp. 28-29.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  4. 1988 'Arts View of Science'. Times Higher Educational Supplement (Letter, November 11th.)

  5. 1988 'Floating Free'. Times Higher Ed. Suppl. (Ltr. Dec. 23rd.)

  6. 1989 'Experiments in God's Eye'. Times Higher Ed. Suppl. (Article, Feb. 2nd.)

  7. 1989 'The New World Synthesis'. Philosophia Mathematica (II) No. 1, Vol. 4, pp. 23-28.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  8. 1989 'Relativity is Kids' Stuff'. School Science Review, Vol. 70 (253) pp. 86-87.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  9. 1990 'Changing Philosophy'. Times Higher Ed. Suppl. (Ltr. May 4th.)

  10. 1990 'The Quantum is Kids' Stuff'. School Sci. Rev. Vol. 71, pp.105-107.

  11. 1990 School Sci. Rev. (Forum) Vol.72, No. 258, p. 161.

  12. 1990 'Instantaneous Relativistic Action-at-a-Distance' (with A.D. Osborne). Proceedings of the 2nd BSPS conference: Physical Interpretations of Relativity (PIRT) pp. 460-488.

  13. 1992 'Relativity and Realism' (with A.D. Osborne). Proceedings of the 3rd BSPS conference: PIRT, pp. 281-287.

  14. 1992 'The Action-at-a-Distance Spectrum' (with A.D. Osborne). Proceedings of the 3rd BSPS conference: PIRT pp. 253-280

  15. 1992 'Instantaneous Relativistic Action-at-a-Distance' (with A.D Osborne). Physics Essays, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 409-421.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  16. 1992 'The Sequential Paradigm', Proc. of the 13th Annual International Meeting of the Alternative Natural Philosophy Association (ANPA) , Sept. 1991, pp. 55-65.

  17. 1993 'An Alternative Natural Philosophy', Proc of the 14th Annual International Meeting of ANPA, Sept 1992, pp. 113-130.

  18. 1994 'Normal Realism: A Challenge to Physicists'. Proc. of the 15th Annual International Meeting of ANPA, Sept. 1993, pp. 111-115. Also 'A Rustic Rediscovery of Relativity', pp. 116-130.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  19. 1994 'A Critical Review of the PIRT Conferences to Date'. Proc. of the 4th BSPS Conference: PIRT, pp 257-272

  20. 1995 'In Search of the ANPA Philosophy'. ANPA Newsletter No. 15, !SSN 1358-2240, pp. 6-10.

  21. 1995 'Instantaneous Gravitational and Inertial Action-at-a-Distance' (with A.D. Osborne). Physics Essays, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 384-397.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  22. 1995 'The Lingering Death of Western Dualism', Proc. of the 16th Annual International Meeting of ANPA, ISBN 0 9526215 09, pp. 117-121. Also 'The Language of Light Velocity', pp. 122-134.

  23. 1996 'The Two Aspects of Special Relativity', ANPA Newsletter No. 16, p. 10. Also 'Empiricism and the Quantum', pp. 8-16.

  24. 1996 'Copenhagen, Yes or No?' Apeiron, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 20-21.

  25. 1996 'A Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of Motion in Relation to Action-at-a-Distance', Apeiron, Special Issue, ed. M.W. Evans. (accepted but did not appear, due to a difference of opinion with editor).

  26. 1996 'A Response' (to M.W. Evans), Apeiron, '@ Issue' section, Vol. 3, No 3-4, pp. 124-125.

  27. 1996 'The Dogma of the Photon', in 'Philosophies', the Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Meeting of the Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, 175-188.

  28. 1997, 'A Quantum-Digital Theory of Light', in The Present Status of the Quantum Theory of Light, eds. Jeffers, Roy, Vigier and Hunter, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands.)

  29. 1997 'Is ANPA an Altogether Non-Philosophical Association?' Newsletter 17 of the Alternative Natural Philosophy Association (ed. N.V. Pope) 12-14.

  30. 1997 'The Gateway to Paradox' and 'The Cinematic Model of Quantum Touching' in Mereologies, the Proceedings of the 18th International Meeting of the Alternative Natural Philosophy Association., 62-66, 134-135.

  31. 1998 'Shedding Light on Light' in Causality and Locality in Modern Physics, Eds. G. Hunter, et al,, Kluwer, Academic Publishers, Dordrecht NL, pp 187 - 194.

  32. 1998 'A Relativistic Quantum Phenomenology', Proceedings of the 5th International Conference; Problems of Space, Time and Motion, St. Petersburg, Russia. June, 1998.

  33. 1998 'Solving the "c" Conundrum of the Velocity of Light Relative to the Vacuum', Proceedings of the Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, London, September 1998.

  34. 1999 'Newton is Dead, Long Live Newton', in Instantaneous Action-at-a-Distance in Modern Physics: Pro and Contra, Editors: A.E. Chubykalo, Viv Pope and R. Smirnov-Rueda, published by Nova Science. NY.

  35. 1999. 'The Complete Physics Heresy', Galilean Electrodynamics, ed. C. Kolb-Whitney, Mass. USA.

  36. 2000. 'Too Many Theories, Too Few Syntheses', Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory VII Proceedings, ed. M. C. Duffy.

  37. 2000. 'A Logical Reconciliation of Einstein and Newton or a Synthesis Relativity and Quantum Theory', Journal of New Energy, ed. Hal Fox, Vol. 5, No. 1

  38. 2001. 'An Angular Momentum Synthesis of Gravitational and Electrostatic Forces' in Physics as a Science Symposium Proceedings, publ. in Journal of New Energy, Vol. 5, No. 3.

  39. 2001. 'The Tantalising Two-Slit Experiment' in Recent Advances in Relativity Theory, Vol. 2. Material Interpretations, eds. M. C. Duffy and M. Wegener, Hadronic Press, Florida, USA.

  40. 2001. 'Umbala: a Polemic Against Jargon Addiction in Modern Science', Proceedings of the 22nd annual International Meeting of the Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, ed. Arleta Griffor, publ by ANPA.
    [subject to terms and conditions, see www.poams.org]

  41. Osborne , A. D. and Pope, N. V., 'An Angular Momentum Synthesis of "Gravitational" and "Electrostatic" Forces', Galilean Electrodynamics, Vol 14, Special Issue 1, Spring 2003, pp. 9 - 19.
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